''Come away with me child of the wild
Come swim with the seals and be borne on the tide
Come out child, out of time
let your days instead be measured in rhyme''
- Siobhán de Paor

wild irish days
laethannta fiáin Gaelach
Laethannta lasmuigh i Chiarraí do daoine fásta is páistí le rogha de sealgaireacht feamainne, iománaíocht, súilóid luibheanna, filíocht, ealaíon fiáin.
We will guide you to frolic, forage and feast with a foclóir in the wild places of West Kerry.
Réamhra go dtí tradisúin Ceilteach dúchasach, ag aithint is ag ullmhú plandaí inite, le deasghnáth aistriú saoil do rang sé,

rites of passage
dheasghnáth aistriú saol
Of stags and deers: An opportunity for men and women to prepare for life's transitions in a meaningful way, supported by peers and guided by nature.
Deireadh Seachtaine lán thumadh sa Gaeilge, sa deasghnáth is sa Nádúr ar leithnis Corca Dhuibhne nó sa Bhoireann.