Teambuilding Camps
What is this great healing power in nature?
How is it, we become our better selves in nature?
In natural environment our bodies, we slow down, our minds relax, we can let down the defences, slow down and give our natural best selves a space to emerge. The human aura expands. And so does the mind. The confines of its conditioning equally relaxes. And the resistance to what is, does likewise.
The perspective broadens and the gaze becomes more forgiving. The hurt, the pain body insistence weakens.
The colleague, the person there in front is seen in this new light and the totality of their character can be seen. The more of them that is revealed to the other the greater the understanding the other has.
Holding a corporate teambuilding day in a corporate setting will yield limited results because the stressers that an aritifical environment place on a body are still there. In keeping the environment the same and hoping for different results. The office worker must be taken out of the office. And the hotel conference room.
The simple undertaking of building a camp together in Nature.