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Ealaín Fiáin 2023

clár ama ~ timetable

Déardaoin 11ú Bealtaine


5pm and 6.30pm: Two pick ups in Lisdoonvarna (cars will be left in the town car park over the weekend)

7pm: Pitch Tent and Orientation

8pm: Béile le Chéile

9pm: Chiorcal Oscailt agus Machnamh ~ Opening Circle and Meditation


Aoine 12ú


8am: Íoga agus Machnamh

9am: Bricfeasta

11am: Imram go dtí an gcóstas ~ wild expedition to the coast

1pm: The Wild Weave; Ceardlann (workshop) le Mishel

2pm: Lón

4pm: The Burren (pick up - this is a one-way expedition

5pm: Sauna

7pm: Béile le Chéile


Satharn 13ú


8am: Íoga

9am: Bricfeasta

11am: Becoming the Bláth - expression as Gaeilge le Siobhán

1pm: Lón

2 - 4pm: Am Saor ~ Chill

4pm: Cobbing le Cearbhuil

6pm: Deasghnáth Léiriú - Ritual Performance

8pm: Béile Timpeall an Tine


Domhnach 14ú


9am: Íoga

10am: Bricfeasta

11am: Chiorcal Dúnadh

11.30: Drop off to Lisdoonvarna

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